So for my character design I decided as follows:
So i suppose this picture is kinda cheating, as I do want my character to be a bipedal dragon named Nerai the Red-Marked. Why he is Red-Marked will be explained later. However, there is symbolism in this, in that dragons are often said to be fierce, powerful, majestic creatures, which is how I envisioned this character. But, I decided to make him anthromorphic and not much larger than a normal human so that readers/watchers/players don't feel disconnected from him. I feel as though trying to understand the inner thoughts and feelings of a large, fire-breating reptile might be a bit easier if he wasn't quite as big.
Now for color scheme! I wanted to use purple with bits of red and blue. The purple I planned to use to sort of show a bit of cool calmness, but the red to resemble the fits of passion he may experience, and the blue to show the exact opposite, his moments of clarity and serenity. The character I've envisioned is sort of trichotomous in this way, in that he sort of has 3 different personalities, none of which he can control. So, with an analagous color scheme in this fashion I feel it could be pulled off pretty well. The red would be shown in two marks that descend from the corners of his eyes and two that rise upwards from the inner corners of his eyes. Therefore, Red-Marked.
Partially in Shadow, patially in light. However, it would not always be exactly 50/50 as it is in the photo. This style of lighting would be used to show the dichotomy within his soul with the desire to do right, but the nagging need to do wrong as well. Of course, both terms are relative to the person using them, so that never helps either. In the ideal situation of this character being in some form of media, it'd be best to see him this way either when he's dealing with his antagonist or about to make a crucial decision.
Now as for the Antagonist, Mael, who represents all of the dark and evil within the protagonist's soul personified and is secretly merely an extension of the protagonist's subconscious, would also be an anthropormorphic dragon, however he'd be much more muscular, and look much more intimidating. This approach is sort of to subvert the long standing tradition of evil and bad being a seductive force and this time being a much more intimidating, threatening force, so as more to provoke the protagonist through fear rather than seduction. Also, to be this large an intimidating would be a stark contrast to the protagonist, who essentially wants to be good.
Color Scheme: Green. This mostly goes unsaid for the greater part of antagonists, and though I hate to be cliched, here I really believe it fits. Green is used in so many ways, as in to give permission to someone, for a person to be inexperienced, symbolizes life and growth, to symbolize envy or jealousy, green doesn't really have much of a definite characteristic, but has many different meanings. So, as Mael is essentially Nerai's undeveloped conscious trying to ursurp control, he can be made into anything that is desired, yes mostly things that are evil, but most of what is desired.
For lighting, I would like for Mael to be seen mostly as shadow, but not entirely. The way I see the appearance of shadow, is that it's the impression something makes on a space, or the object preventing light from reaching a destination. Both of these things describe Mael almost to a "T," as the character attempting to corrupt Nerai and fill him with metaphorical darkness and shadow as opposed to uplifting light. But, to keep him from being seen simply as an impression, ideally at least a small part of him will be seen so that he stays a very real and existing character.
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