Here's a link to the final fight scene from one of my favorite movie trilogies, The Matrix.
The Matrix's theme can be described in just a few words: A constant fight for control, and reality.
This, in my opinion, is one of the biggest and most epic fight scenes to exist in modern cinema. Also, I feel it's one of the best fight scenes to close out a story. Here is the absolute end of these two characters, and their fight here sums up the entire conflict for the series: The battle for control. One of the things I really like about this scene is the virtual line drawn between the protagonist Neo and his antagonist Smith. There is a straight line drawn directly between the two and nothing at all every breaks or comes between this line. The two are always staring each other down, as they have been for the entirety of the Trilogy. It's just yet to break out into as cataclysmic of a conflict as it has here.
I also like the shape of this fight, if that's not too abstract of an idea. The fight is very spherical, and I think this was purposefully done by the Wachowski brothers. The "sphericalness" of this confrontation is a direct reference to the sphericalness of the overall confrontation. As stated by the Architect in The Matrix: Reloaded, this isn't the first time the One has come about as an anomaly. This has happened several times before, though it was only THIS Neo that chose the path deviating from the other "Chosen Ones." The sphericalness of this fight shows the recursion factor of the Matrix, further exemplified near the end by the "Deja Vu" cat "Deja-Vuing" as the Matrix reset itself. In my opinion, it's brilliant. The shape may not be all so easily seen, by the Brothers sort of drop the idea a couple of times as Neo and Smith joust towards one another and result in a spherical explosion of force.
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